My new Mike Fiers collection additions

Back in April, I shared the first five autographs in my Mike Fiers collection. Since then the collection has more than doubled and I've branched out from the 2019 Topps Archives cards that dominated the list of the first cards I picked up.

If you've forgotten since it seems like a whole different world from now but Fiers was the A's (and formerly Astros pitcher) that spilled the beans about the Astros sign stealing scandal. Remember when that was a thing? I admire what he did but there aren't many others considering how available his autographs are on eBay. 

Here are some of the non-Archives autographs I've recently picked up.  They are all from his days with the Brewers and the last one is from that 2013 Turkey Red set that you could only buy online.

Next up, we have a Topps Archives card that has been jailbroken from its case. This version is a contender for my favorite of the Archives autographs and it is sort of nice to have a copy out of the case.

Here is my other copy, still in its prison.

Here are some more. I have five autographs from the Brewers era but just one with his "rookie card." Fiers didn't get the "RC" treatment that many collectors have come to expect so his first Topps card just came as a regular appearance in 2013 Topps.

 I love this particular Heritage design and of all the versions I've seen of the Fiers' Archives cards, I think I've only seen a couple of these float around.  The 1967 Topps design it is based on gives the fun double signature on the front and maybe if I can final a jailbroken copy, I can try to get a TTM request going to add a third signature.

There is no shortage of Fiers cards on the way to my mailbox and so here is hoping that he gets off to a great start when the 2020 season gets underway. 


Fuji said…
Sweet collection (and bobble). That 2018 Topps Fiers of him in an A's jersey is sweet. I'll get my hands on one eventually.
Matt said…
Sweet collection! Seems like a waste of time and money tho.