1997 Upper Deck Green Bay Packers Season to Remember Needs List

I was recently reunited with a dozen packs of an Upper Deck set from 1997 honoring the Super Bowl winning Green Bay Packers team. These were probably purchased in 1998 and have been sitting at my parents' house ever since. The bright orange price tag is the calling card of the Midwest institution known as Shopko and each pack was marked down to a dime.

I enjoy the set as there is a ton of gold foiling on each card which fits in nicely with the green and gold team colors. The cards were also surprisingly not bricked and although a couple of packs had been dropped on their corners, they were overall in pretty good condition. After opening the packs I'm 14 cards short of the entire 90-card set and here's my needs list.

1997 Upper Deck Green Bay Packers Season to Remember Needs List 

Last updated: 8-22-18

5, 12, 28, 42, 45, 46, 58, 61, 64, 65, 73, 81, 85, 87
