The Winner Of My 800,000 Readers Contest Is...

Before announcing the winner of my 800,000 readers contest, here's a complete look at what I gave away. Some of these are certainly "junk" but some are some nice hits. We begin with the non-baseball cards.

And here are the pitcher relics and autographs.

Here are the non-pitcher autos and relics that could actually have career home-run stats.

Here are some of the best cards including the Hall of Fame relic I promised, a Roberto Alomar relic from his time with the Cleveland Indians. 

Here are all the entries we for the contest with guesses ranging from 1 to 4,468 career home runs listed on the back of these cards.

It turned out that only three of the relic cards had career home run stats..and here they are .

So in total with have

61 + 27 + 69 = 157 total career home runs listed. 

This puts The Junior Junkie with his Price Is Right style guess of 1 off by 156 home runs and dominicfdny's guess of 362 off by 205 home runs. This makes The Junior Junkie the winner of these big stacks of cards! Thanks to everyone who took the time to enter!


Holy mackerel! I cant believe that worked! Some excellent cards in that lot, Matt. Thanks a ton!!!
brian said…
i call shenanigans that guess was put in after contest deadline!!!! J/K he deserves to win for his craftiness and following the cardinal rule of the Price is right. who says TV provides no educational value. Congrats
Dawgbones said…
I actually had a feeling that I guessed high!!
cynicalbuddha said…
Well now ain't that a pickle.