The Card Stocker At Target Has Had Enough!

If you have browsed the sports cards section at Target, you've probably seen the red boxes that hold the clearance cards that are priced at $1.59 or 99 cents.  These boxes are designed to sit on the top of the shelves with the top of the box propped up to attract shopper's attention to these clearance packs.  But more often then not they are jammed into the lower shelves and are really more effort then they are worth to pull them out and see what is available.  Plus, when this happens the boxes get messed up and the top of the box always ends up being slowly destroyed.

Well, the stocker at one of the Targets in St. Paul has had enough of all that!  They have tied the box shut with two pieces of lace so the top of the box won't be destroyed but you can only take one pack out at a time to look at it and there is no way to put it back inside.

Here's the side view:

The next step is that they will probably get rid of the discount cards because sales are down!


Jafronius said…
Haha, well, I can tell you that tape is definitely not Target brand. Bigger than that, check out that sold out first row of boxes!
Those boxes weren't sold out, the loose packs were laying everywhere after being manhandled by some packsearcher. At least that's the way it would be at my Target.
Lots of empty boxes in the background of picture #3. Sales must be ok.