UPDATE: Seriously?

We are entering Day 5 of the Great Panini NFL Sticker Drought at my local Target...no progress has been made as the gravity display is still empty. Although this could mean they've stocked it and sold everything out again. But I greatly doubt that.

More updates to come...

On another note, has anyone heard anything from Thorzul recently? His Halloween contest is stuck at 3rd Place for a couple days now and I'm beginning to get a little worried.


flywheels said…
It appears I'm the only one buying these stickers from the local Target in my area. None of the stickers or albums have seemed to sell very well in these parts. Odd. I do wonder how many packs are being smuggled out of the store since they are so flat and small. If you have any doubles let me know as I have a few from my initial purchase.
Sooz said…
I haven't even seen these in my Target.
Anonymous said…
I'm alright. (Thanks for worrying.)

Second place post has just been published.