In an earlier post, I claimed [rather blindly] that this Tom Glavine card had to be the best card from the 1991 Fleer set.

PunkRockPaint pointed out that Alfredo Griffin's '91 Fleer was better. The card didn't ring any bells for me and so I turned to the interwebs but couldn't find an image quickly. Turned out there is a signed copy for sale here and I got to see a copy of Glavine's contender.
If I had only known there was an unofficial Bip Roberts card with Bip taking a chunk out of Alfredo Griffin's crotch I wouldn't have never questioned it's superiority.
1991 Fleer #689 Tom Glavine

PunkRockPaint pointed out that Alfredo Griffin's '91 Fleer was better. The card didn't ring any bells for me and so I turned to the interwebs but couldn't find an image quickly. Turned out there is a signed copy for sale here and I got to see a copy of Glavine's contender.
1991 Fleer #201 Alfredo Griffin