The Not Card Of The Year Is Up For Auction

The so-called Card of the Year 2009 has appeared on eBay and has a $500,000 asking's the screen shot:

First off, what idiot tries to do a $500,000 auction on eBay? He's lucky I'm writing about it so maybe someone will actually know it is up for auction. A card like this should be done by a reputable auction house with actual advertising and should be available for more than 10 days.

But I digress...It looks like the seller accepts Paypal! That will really be helpful when I try to put my $500,000 payment on my credit card. Plus, you'll be giving up about $25,000 service charge to the company. Good thinking.

Now that I've paid for the item, how do I get the card? Oh, very nice...they have free shippping! Just go ahead and put my $500,000 card in one of those super sturdy Express mail boxes. Don't bother with any packing material...hell, you might as well just put in in a white envelope and mail it to me. I'm sure it will be fine. I've never lost anything in the mail.

Look, ecoreicons, you pulled a big boy card. Now you need to sell it like a big boy.


AceWild said…
I would also earn $200.00 in eBay Bucks nice.
Anthony K. said…
I got a post up about this card on my blog.

It appears that the Ruth auto may be a fake, which would definitely make this the not-card-of-the-year.
I don't know. Given the state of cuts autos in the hobby, a fake Ruth auto that sold for half a mil would get my vote for card of the year.
Captain Canuck said…
yeah, I was just going to say, ebay is the best place to sell a card that might have a fake Ruth on it.

too much scrutiny at most auction houses.
cynicalbuddha said…
And who wouldn't want to buy a card from a guy with 0 feedback as a seller. I like that he strongly suggests insurance on this card. Ya think. Also if I'm legit, I would spring for a couple more photos that don't look like ass. And if I'm legit why on earth would you sell it on eBay?? Maybe you get a free Folex watch with it too?
gritz76 said…
I'm going to offer him $3.50 and see if he takes it.
John Bateman said…
The Guys been on ebay since Jan 6th - a whole week - his ebay score is based on 71 items he bought. He never sold anything. This is very Fishy