The Joy Of The Completed Insert Set

Today in the mail I received the last four 2008 Allen and Ginter World Leaders that I was looking for and so this insert set is now complete. Damn, that feels good.

WL26 -- Felipe De Jesus Calderon Hinojosa, Mexico

WL39 -- Thabo Mbeki, South Africa

WL8 -- Murek Topolanek, Czech Republic

WL2 -- Kevin Rudd, Australia

Here are scans of the complete set:

World Leaders 1-15

World Leaders 16-30

World Leaders 31-45

World Leaders 46-50


michel said…
Very nice set, Matt...!!!! Congratulations.
beardy said…
Congrats dude! Hopefully one day I can be right there with you.Finishing those Ginter mini sets is a real accomplishment since you've never be able to bust enough boxes to complete it yourself. Unless you were rich or something.