Hiatus Is Such A Dirty Word

I am sad to announce that Heartbreaking Cards of Staggering Genius is going on indefinite hiatus starting today.

Here's the back story. Last June, I graduated from the University of Washington with a Master's Degree in Health Care Administration. Shortly, there after I moved to Lawrence, Kansas to be with my fiancé as she is attending the University of Kansas. Call it wishful thinking but I never anticipated finding a job in my field would turn out to be so difficult.

I sat around unemployed for months last year and started Heartbreaking Cards in September in part to help fill my days. I eventually found a job with a company that contracts with the Department of Education. It's a fine job, I guess, but I have no real passion for it or even a passing interest in doing it for much longer.

It all sort of came to a head this past Saturday. I work Monday-Friday so the weekend is spent essentially doing nothing. All day I was packaging up trades, posting, and scanning cards for future posts. I made a lot of progress on what I wanted to do but I wasn't anywhere near done. I could have been looking for a better job. I could have been getting my "life together." Instead I spent it doing something I really love doing but until I figure out how to make a living from that it's got to go on the back burner.

I'm hoping to be back by Christmas. I will be like a little Christmas present for me...and you, come to think of it! I still have a couple of trades to send out and I'll still be reading every one's blogs like crazy and will still post on A Pack To Be Named Later now and again. For the most part though this will be it for a while.


Matt F.


Dinged Corners said…
Well, we love Heartbreaking and your sensibility so we hope maybe you'll come back sooner, but we also understand. We're studying for classes for a huge career change and trying to do the blog is both a joy and a reminder that we're Not Doing The Other Things We Ought To Be Doing.

But your blog has absolutely contributed to the overall good of humankind, so please don't consider any of it time ill spent.
Mark Aubrey said…
You'll be missed. Come back soon.
Anonymous said…
It's not good bye, it's see you later!

Seriously, good luck with whatever you choose to pursue, and I hope to see you back sooner than later.
Slette said…
Hurry back man - I'll still be sending care packages your way, just so your collecting skills don't get rusty.

If you have any desire to relocate to Minneapolis, part of my job is to help others find jobs.

All the best.
night owl said…

I hope you'll find time for this sooner than you think.

Blogging is pure enjoyment for me, but I also think it helps me in untold ways (in my profession, with alleviating stress, with learning more about the hobby and the world, connecting with others, etc.). So I think it IS something I ought to be doing.
Matt Runyon said…
Good luck and I hope you come back soon.
Alec said…
I agree with Dinged Corners, none of your time was ill-spent. But I totally understand what ya gotta do, and wish you the best of luck with it and to know you'll be missed. And an eternal thanks for letting me get my card blogging start as an A Pack to be Named Later writer!
Steve Gierman said…
Take a break, figure things out, and come back refreshed and renewed. Best of luck and we'll be waiting to read you upon your return.
steveisjewish said…
God speed Matt - get shit tight and the come back with a crazy vengeance and a sock full of quarters.
Anonymous said…
Good luck in your job hunt. I hope to see more great posts when you are able to put everything else in order.
Captain Canuck said…
Good luck dude.

see you at the Burger King dance on monday.
dayf said…
I'm going to hate not seeing your posts for a while, but I pretty much know exactly what you're going through. I might be in the same situation as you if it weren't for the fact that blogging is probably my last tenuous connection to sanity.

Take a break, get to where you want to be, and make time to have a little fun in the meantime. I'll look forward to your next post in the meantime.
gcrl said…
all i want for christmas is some heartbreaking cards of staggering genius. that's it. see you then.
We all need a break now and then.Just remember you have made a lot of friends who will be waiting for your return !!
beardy said…
do what you gotta do man. it's a situation i both understand and identify with. nothing but the best of luck to you and come back soon.

your late night random posts made working the overnight shift for a month straight a little more enjoyable, and for that i thank you sir.
Daniel Wilson said…
Wish you the best and hopefully you will be back blogging before you know it!
Good luck getting into a job you can love doing and look forward too...I've enjoyed reading your blog the last month or so and look forward to seeing it again if you get back to it.
James B. Anama said…
It's times like these when we realize that Life is more important than the Hobby we enjoy blogging about.

Good luck with whatever it is you will be doing. I hope you find what it is you are looking for. We will hold you to your promise to come back by or before December.

Take care, and Godspeed.


JayBee Anama
PunkRockPaint said…
Best of luck with the job hunt... I do think that you are forgetting about the most important thing...


What am I gonna do without your blog?

Be sure to stop by and say hi every now and then.

Word Verification: barran...

So close to "barren"

BARRAN - PunkRockPaint's mental unproductivity; dullness; stupidity without Heartbreaking Cards of Staggering Genius.
madding said…
Not much else I can add to this that others haven't said more eloquently than I, but good luck!
Goose Joak said…
Your head is definitely in the right place Matt. We'll keep you bookmarked!
Motherscratcher said…
You're young and you have your health. What do you want with a job?

Seriously, I can't wait to see my blog role sometime next winter and see a new heartbreaking post at the top of the list. It will be like finding $100 in your winter coat.
MarieBay said…
Good luck Matt, I will still keep you in mind for the stuff you collect so don't be surprised if you get random things in the mail from me.
I never read your blog, but you have the coolest name for a sports card blog there will ever be.
--David said…
I wish you the best, and hope to see you up and going again before too long!!
Anonymous said…
I'm a little late on this, but I wanted to wish you all the best. Hope to see you posting here again soon.