JV from Treasure Never Buried and I have been sending cards back and forth for a few months now and his latest box of treasure was great...
Jamie's autograph looks like "Jamie Jerk" or "Jamie Junk"...
Yet another '94 Topps Finest...when it rains it pours. I've added a needs list for this set but as I have nearly nothing of this set it is pretty empty.
I think more odd companies need to have their own card sets...If a dog food company can do it successfully then how about a Google set of cards or Halliburton? Sounds like a project for PunkRockPaint.
Everyone knows a good scream adds four miles per hour on to your fastball.
And two Diamond Kings:
Jamie's autograph looks like "Jamie Jerk" or "Jamie Junk"...
Yet another '94 Topps Finest...when it rains it pours. I've added a needs list for this set but as I have nearly nothing of this set it is pretty empty.
I think more odd companies need to have their own card sets...If a dog food company can do it successfully then how about a Google set of cards or Halliburton? Sounds like a project for PunkRockPaint.
Everyone knows a good scream adds four miles per hour on to your fastball.
And two Diamond Kings:
As soon as I do they're yours!
Thanks, Matt!