Earlier this week I posted a little review on A Pack To Be Named Later regarding one of the Red Wrapper Fairfield Repackage Jumbo packs that go for $4.99 at Target. I referred to the white, red, and black versions of the packs. Today's trip to Target found that they had all three versions...seeing the pack again it looks like I should really be calling the "white" version either the "green" or "blue" version as white isn't really the major color. The "green/blue" version was the first version that I ever saw for sale and promises 100 cards and 10 of those are Hall of Famers.
The black and red versions also promise 100 cards but these two versions have stickers reminding us to look for vintage cards inside. From the six or seven these I've opened I've found you'll either get one or two cards from the late 60's and then some from the early 80's or you'll get five or six cards from the 70's. I've personally pulled quite a few '77 Topps from these.

Today I went with the black pack above and struck vintage gold. In total I received 10 cards that were 30 years or older...and here they are in order of greatness:
We start with two inaugural Donruss commons...not much to write home to mom about or to write a blog post about but still pretty good for a repackage.
Dan's nickname was "The Cobra"...just like Dave Parker I guess. Dan was a part of the Big Red Machine playing third and first base. He also holds a pretty interesting record which will be covered in a separate post in the near future in my Everybody's Got A Record series.
Now we're into the actual stars...I have a whole lot of Willie cards but I didn't have this one yet...one of the best smiles in baseball history.
The black and red versions also promise 100 cards but these two versions have stickers reminding us to look for vintage cards inside. From the six or seven these I've opened I've found you'll either get one or two cards from the late 60's and then some from the early 80's or you'll get five or six cards from the 70's. I've personally pulled quite a few '77 Topps from these.

Today I went with the black pack above and struck vintage gold. In total I received 10 cards that were 30 years or older...and here they are in order of greatness:
Best Vintage #10 & #9
1981 Donruss #247 Milt Wilcox and #587 Doug Capilla
We start with two inaugural Donruss commons...not much to write home to mom about or to write a blog post about but still pretty good for a repackage.
Best Vintage #8
1978 Topps #543 Larry Harlow
Larry played for six years in the bigs and has some pretty nice batting gloves.
Best Vingtage #7
1976 Topps #514 Dan Driessen
Dan's nickname was "The Cobra"...just like Dave Parker I guess. Dan was a part of the Big Red Machine playing third and first base. He also holds a pretty interesting record which will be covered in a separate post in the near future in my Everybody's Got A Record series.
Best Vintage #6
1968 Topps #219 Rob Gardner
This one gets jumped towards the top because it was the oldest card I pulled. Ron was a middle reliever for a whole host of teams over eight seasons.
Best Vintage #5
1981 Donruss #223 Willie Wilson
Best Vintage #4
1977 Topps #520 Garry Maddox
Some things you might not know about Garry Maddox:
1. He was an eight time Gold Glove winner...which is a lot.
2. He lost two seasons due to service in Vietnam for the Army.
3. He served on the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Don't believe me...here's their team photo.
Best Vintage #3
1981 Donruss #553 Dave Kingman
I'm a Dave Kingman apologist and it really sucks that he was the first player to hit over 400 home runs to not make the Hall of Fame. Someone had to set the boundary on a career that would make the Hall of Fame and one that wouldn't...but why did it have to be Dave instead of say Boog Powell or George Foster.
Best Vintage #2
1976 Topps #125 Don Baylor
Believe it or not Don was only an All-Star once...he also lead the league eight times in being hit by pitches. He was hit by 13 pitches in the 1975 season which led the league but pails in comparison to his personal best of being hit by 35 pitches in the 1985 season.
Best Vintage #1
1976 Topps #325 Dick Pole
A 1976 Topps base card posted without comment but without a doubt the best card in my pack.