Cards From The Box: It's Prime Time

**In this series we delve deep into this box of cards, purchased for $2.99**

The Box held a few more of what seem to be completely random Bippings...first we had Pete Stoyanovich and now be have a Prime Time Bipping.  There were a few smatterings of Deion Sanders football cards but for whatever reason there were seven copies of his 1996 Topps card.

1996 Topps #315 Deion Sanders

The magnificent seven:

This Bipping also gives me a chance to write about Deion's rap album from 1994 called Prime Time.  With songs titles like "Y U NV ME?", "Heidy Heidy Hey," and "Sum'n About That Woman" you can see why it reached #70 on the charts.  You can find it on CD for $4 on Amazon or cassette for $2.


flywheels said…
Can I send you a SASE for one of those Deion cards?